We complete all of your car service needs on the spot, wherever you happen to be. As Australia’s trusted on-the-spot repairer, Lube Mobile has developed a reliable and highly skilled fleet of mobile mechanics across Australia who are able to attend to your location and complete everything from drive belt, fuel pump and slave cylinder, on the spot and on time, for all types of vehicles including JMC Vigus and many more. We began in 1982 and since then have continued to develop and grow our knowledge of all vehicle makes and models from popular brands and models through to luxury European makes and more. Our technicians are skilled and experienced mechanics who can carry out all of your vehicle servicing needs at your preferred location. They use only the highest quality parts and consumables to ensure that we can confidently issue our standard 12 month/20,000 km nationwide warranty. As a Lube Mobile customer, you are covered for 12 months or 20,000 km nationwide as standard across all of our vehicle work, including servicing. If you ever do experience a problem with work our mechanics have completed on your car then using our standard warranty is quick and easy. All customers who make a warranty call are attended to as quickly as possible. Lube Mobile strives to maintain the highest levels of professionalism and our mechanics take their expertise and friendly customer service skills to every vehicle call. Should there be a problem with any work we have completed or parts or consumables that we have supplied, then we’ll locate the issue and correct it immediately. Our customer service team will follow up later with you to ensure that everything is going as it should. All parts and fluids supplied which have been installed or serviced by Lube Mobile mechanics is covered by your warranty as well as all labour performed by our technicians.
Why book time away from home and disrupt your regular routine when you can book Lube Mobile to attend your home, your workplace or any other location you happen to be in? Regular servicing ensures that your vehicle remains in top condition with regular oil changes, engine inspections, filter changes and more. Lube Mobile can carry out all standard servicing on site, at your location. To book online for your next service simply use our quick and easy online booking form. Bookings take just a few minutes and you can nominate your preferred time and location, tailoring your car maintenance to your schedule and not your local mechanic’s. Bookings are available 6 days per week, and you can book your next service or repair using our online form 24/7. Our professional mechanics let you know that they’re on their way when it’s time to attend so you know exactly when to expect us. The most popular JMC models we service include the JMC JMC Vigus, JMC Vigus and JMC Vigus. We perform leading car services across a range of vehicles from new 2018 models to JMC models as far back as 2014. All of our car repair jobs are carried out by licenced vehicle technicians with years of extensive experience across all popular and luxury makes and models. Our service is nationwide, meaning that the quality you receive in Brighton VIC is exactly the same as the quality you receive in Canning Vale WA. Over the last 12 months the most popular suburbs across Australia for our JMC service include Keswick SA, Huntingdale WA and Sorrento WA. Our customers number into the thousands and are spread right across the country.
You can book online now for new vehicle servicing such as JMC servicing or Audi, Alpine and Cupra servicing. Our mechanics are fully able to carry out your regular log book service without affecting the validity of your current warranty. A dealer cannot specific which service provider you, the car’s owner, must use so if you prefer to opt for a local and convenient mobile mechanic rather than another service provider then you can do so without penalty. As per the Trade Practices Act, it is the buyers’ right to choose any qualified service provider to carry out standard log book service. Any of the work we complete on a vehicle including drive belt, fuel pump and slave cylinder as well as standard servicing, comes with a standard 12 month or 20,000 km warranty. When you choose our mechanics to maintain your regular log book servicing needs, you are not only covered by your original warranty but you are now also covered by ours as well. Who is looking after your tyres? Lube Mobile now offer a fully mobile tyre service which you can book online for anything from tyre repair and replacement to rebalancing and rotation. Just like with any of our other mechanical services, you can comfortably sit back and relax at your specified location including your place of work, your home or even on you holidays, while all of your tyres are maintained and looked after to spec, on site and on time. Book a car service quote today online via our website and discover what our our thousands of happy customers have to say about the service they have already received from a friendly, professional and expert local Lube Mobile mechanic in your neighbourhood.