Whether you drive Hyundai or Jeep , our mobile professionals arrive on time and with everything they need to service your vehicle to the very highest professional standards. Our customers enjoy industry leading service standards from friendly mechanics who explain as they go which ensures that you understand what your vehicle needs and how we’re keeping it in top condition. In the last three months our 39 local mechanics been given over 0 positive reviews from our clients in Sunshine Coast.
Let us come to you. The easiest and most convenient way to ensure that you keep your service history up to date and on top of your car repairs is to have everything you need done at home, the office or wherever else you happen to be. Our mobile mechanics are attending Little Mountain, Reesville, Dulong and Lake Cootharaba. We are everywhere and everywhen you need us to be. Lubemobile is Australia’s #1 fleet of mechanics servicing and repairing vehicles all over the country with over 768 vehicles attended to in your local area alone over the last 3 months. Regular vehicle services and jobs around your area have included Log book servicing. Our specialists have what they need to complete a full service and repair at your chosen destination including tyre replacement and specialty tyre related repairs, sway bar fitting and ball joint replacement .
My son will be using this car for his drivers license test.
We are having trouble replacing a hot air intake hose/pipe do to how cramped the engine bay is (typical Bmw).
Repair: The exhaust manifold the flange needs straightening and prob a new gasket
Our mechanics have typically serviced Toyota, Ford and Holden in and around your area but all mechanics are experienced and prepared for any vehicle. Servicing and repairing all vehicle makes and models on site, recent jobs in and around your local region have been to attend vehicles like Proton , Citroen and Mercedes Benz . Parts required for the job are with the mechanic or sourced quickly from only the highest quality providers. Typical parts carried by the mechanic have included spares like starter fuse , flange gasket and coil pack .
Please click on the links below to find suburbs we service in these areas. If you can’t see your suburb listed, contact us and we’ll locate the nearest Lube Mobile to you!